The Postal Service™ can help you prove Santa is real by having Santa reply to your child’s letter — complete with the North Pole Postmark! The Greetings from the North Pole Post Office program adds to the excitement of Christmas.
- Have the child write a letter to Santa and place it in an envelope addressed to: Santa Claus, North Pole.
- Write a personalized response to the child’s letter and sign it “From Santa.”
- Insert both letters into an envelope, and address it to the child.
- Add the return address: SANTA, NORTH POLE, to the envelope.
- Ensure a First-Class Mail stamp is affixed to the envelope.
- Place the complete envelope into a larger envelope, with appropriate postage, and address it to:
ANCHORAGE AK 99530-9998
It is important that you allow for enough time for these cities to receive the letters and mail them out! The earlier the better!
Did you know there are several towns within the United States with holiday names like Garland, Texas, or Evergreen, Co or Rudolph, OH, or even Nazareth, KY?
Many of these towns will place a holiday-themed postmark on cards or letters. Enclose a stamped, addressed card or letter in another envelope or box labeled “Christmas re-mailing” and address it to the postmaster of one of the towns listed below. Please allow enough time for postmarking, re-mailing, and delivery. For the complete list of cities and towns click HERE.