“A Siren’s Peril” Art Show by Scott Audette Underwater is Now Open - Polk County Moms

Scott Audette Underwater is pleased to announce the art exhibition, “A Siren’s Peril: An Underwater Portrait Retrospective,” running Oct. 31 to Nov. 11 at ARTI/fact gallery in Downtown Lakeland.

Makeup artist Stephanie Paul and Lakeland Photographer Scott Audette bring their talents together in this incredible show aimed at pushing the limits of imagination, light, water, artistry, and body.

Stunning underwater portraits of 10 talented “zombie” mermaids and mermen, along with the props, behind-the-scenes videos, and costumes, will be on display. The exhibit also will feature underwater maternity, kids, party, individual, and couples portraits by Scott Audette Underwater.

“Being underwater allows me to throw away all the rules of photography and just create,” Scott said. “I love the way the water creates patterns and motion. Playing with light, reflection and shadow present a wonderful challenge. When Stephanie approached me about working with her on a project to see how Zombie-like mermaids and mermen would photograph underwater, I was all in. Each subject brought fabulous and unexpected emotion, underwater prowess, and artistry to their expressions and poses and was great to work with.”

The timing of the exhibit, sponsored by Polk Arts & Cultural Alliance and Philip Shenkman CPA, is no coincidence.

“At Halloween time, everyone wants to test the limits of adornment and disguise. I wanted this project to stretch everyone’s imagination a little as we delved into the mysterious world of underwater creatures,” Stephanie said. “The results are beyond what I originally imagined even, and I am so excited to share our art with you in this exhibit.”

Scott is a longtime sports photographer, serving as team photographer for the Tampa Bay Lightning for 20 years and shooting for The Associated Press and Reuters. He also shoots lifestyle and travel images for Viva Polk magazine and Visit Florida. A certified scuba diver, Scott combined his two passions and opened Scott Audette Underwater in 2020.

Stephanie, a licensed esthetician, and hair and makeup artist, has extensive expertise in the film and effects industry as well as in weddings and spa care. Her commercial credits include “Biography: WWE Legends” TV documentary and several film shorts.

All prints will be available for purchase.

ARTI/fact is at 820 N. Massachusetts Ave. Gallery hours are noon to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Admission is free and open to the community.

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