Fun Holidays to Celebrate in the Month of May | Polk County Moms
Flowers for May

Fun National Holidays

I love finding fun and random national holidays to celebrate. It’s a little unexpected surprise in a regular week that gives me a reason to be silly. I want to invite you to join me in celebrating these holidays too. You don’t have to do all of them. Pick one or two and have fun with it.

Here are the National Holidays in May that caught our eye.

Tulips in a cone for may day

May 1 – May Day

On ancient calendars, May 1st was considered the first day of spring. A popular tradition was to give flowers to neighbors in cone-shaped baskets. You can celebrate May Day by making a pretty flower arrangement, planting some flowers to attract butterflies, or giving flowers to a friend or neighbor.

fresh lemonade in glasses

May 2 – National Lemonade Day

National Lemonade Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May. Kids from around the US open lemonade stands to learn about starting and running a business with Kids can register online, attend workshops and learn how to run a business.

Princess Leia sketch

May 4 – National Star Wars Day

May the fourth be with you. Or as my husband likes to say, May the Fork be with you. The first National Star Wars Day was recognized in Canada in 2011. You can celebrate this holiday by watching any of the films, wearing a Star Wars Costume, or joining any of the Star Wars fans celebrations. Use #NationalStarWarsDay when you post on social media

Food Pantry donations

May 8 – Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day

National Stamp Out Hunger is the second Saturday in May. The program began in 1991 as a way to help food charities replenish their supplies by having postal workers collect donations on their routes. The best way to participate is to leave non-perishable food items for your postal carrier to collect. Use #StampOutHungerFoodDrive

Chocolate Cake

May 11 – National Eat What You Want Day

I’ve always celebrated this holiday because this is my BIRTHDAY! This day was created as a way to allow ourselves to indulge for one day. Celebrate by eating your favorite foods and enjoying them. On this day I plan to go BIG!

juices and garnishes

May 16 – National Mimosa Day

Mimosas are traditionally made of Orange Juice and Champagne but you can use any juice. Pommergrate, cranberry, peach nectar, apricot nectar, guava all make delicious substitutions for orange juice. Celebrate your mimosa on social media using #NationalMimosaDay

Servers with coffee

May 21 – National Waitstaff Day

This day is set aside to celebrate all the waitstaff that make our meals more enjoyable. It’s been a rough year for the service industry and many people are struggling. On this day we ask that you be a little kinder, tip a little more and overall let the waitstaff know they are appreciated.

Servers with coffee

May 26 – National Blueberry Cheesecake Day

I don’t know about you but all those freshly picked blueberries are about to be put to good use! It’s time to pull them out of the freezer and bake a cheesecake. Personally, I love mini blueberry cheesecakes.

What's Your Favorite Holiday to Celebrate?

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